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Ma On Shan Police Station fired pepper ball to disperse demonstrs

[Now News] A group of demonstrators went to the Ma On Shan Police Station to express their solidarity with those arrested in Huotan a few days ago.

A large number of police officers wearing protective clothing and holding shields went to the Ma'anshan Police Station to disperse the demonstrators after 11:00 p.m. on Friday. Some police officers held pepper ball launchers and guns that could fire rubber bullets. The police officer once raised a flag to warn that a police officer suddenly fired pepper balls at the bridge on the ground to try to disperse the people on the bridge.

Before the arrival of a large number of police officers, dozens of people in black held up umbrellas outside the Ma'anshan police station and slapped the roll brakes of the police station; Someone removed the fence of the sidewalk and damaged the words on the police station sign.

A few days ago, the police searched the warehouse of an industrial building in Huotan and arrested eight people suspected of possessing offensive weapons, explosives and drugs without a license. The arrested people were detained at the Ma'anshan Police Station.

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