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Working principle and design code for plastic ball mould

Have the same place mould principle of plastic ball mold and other plastic products, also have different places, there is a part of the same place is plastic ball molds are two plate mold, plastic products have two plate mold also has three plate mold, plastic mold ball only simple thimble, and other plastic die having a slider, some with sloping roof, and is used for plastic products, from some rely on gas from the type of thimble is also useful, some of the top block, so the mold structure of plastic mould ball relative to other plastic products in terms of some simple, but the complexity of the local plastic ball the size of the cavity, the plastic ball is not good, because with the increase of the diameter of the plastic ball, plastic ball shrinkage also increased a lot, and there is no specific value for reference, do need to set a mold Keep the numerical to mold manufacturing, is usually to be smaller than the actual demand of plastic ball size, through the first test mode to measure test mode of the sample size, then according to try out the plastic ball size to plastic ball mould increase, do so out of the mold in order to truly meet customer requirements.

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