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Production technology of metal plastic ball

Plastic ball bag metal ball technology very early started in Japan, due to the complexity of the production process, so the price is very high, only special products will be used in this process plastic bag, plastic ball, plastic ball is the most commonly used resin plastic ball, because resin plastic ball belongs to the casting process, so it can advance the die steel into resin plastic ball, and then cast the ball but this produced plastic bag, plastic ball to intermediate at the center position, so the process is usually used to pour in the hemisphere resin, then put the ball in the middle, fixed position, put the other ball mold buckle up, then cast coated plastic balls produced in this way is qualified products, general plastic bag, plastic ball is the most commonly used mouse with a plastic ball, but with the The popularity of optical mouse, plastic ball with a plastic ball to do less and less of the mouse factory.

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