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pepperball Inside the resin density and the center of gravity

pepperball Inside the resin density and the center of gravity

More airsoft pepperball  is injection molded and baked products of plastic, there is a place inside a thin and where dense material.

Ideal has a high accuracy of the outer diameter, the inside of the density of that uniform, Then nature and the center of gravity is located in the center,

Even over a high-speed rotation in the hop-up it will no longer be the rotation axis is blurred.

In practice, however, there are variations in density, even if the outer diameter tolerances contains good pepperball bubble

Takes eccentric spin, trajectory might be blurred to the left and right.

This resin density, displacement of the center of gravity can not be discriminated from the overview, you will need a special screening method.

Copyright © 2015 0.4 and 0.68 caliber pepperball, OC, PAVA and CS powder patented ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.