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By pepperball types, hit rate of air gun will change greatly.

By pepperball types, hit rate of air gun will change greatly.

Some people have thought, "Is not no reason change in pepperball," but the majority of the hit rate are you hanging on pepperball.

Most that is a lightweight bullet of about 0.12g, has become plastic.

The plastic is to have a feature that can not be spontaneous decomposition.

It is often used as for the competition, but also be used in Sabage.

However, to the Sabage is to become a field of in the woods and forests, the frequency of use of plastic pepperball would be less.

Plastic pepperball that can not be natural degradation has been increasing number of fields that are not used and not good for the environment.

Copyright © 2015 0.4 and 0.68 caliber pepperball, OC, PAVA and CS powder patented ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.