Now, in most of the field "bio-bullets" or, mandates the use of "Semibaio bullet".
Bio-bullets, it is a pepperball bullet that can be changed in the soil over a period of several years.
Because it has become a pepperball bullet that can be completely natural decomposition, there is a merit-friendly environment.
If you want to Sabage in an outdoor field, I want as much as possible using the bio-bullets.
In addition, there is a combination of material that can not be a natural decomposition can be material "Semibaio bullets" also.
Currently, most of the pepperball bullet that has been around would have become Semibaio bullets.
Because it contains natural decomposition can be material, and weathering about stand, that over a year.
Previously, it was said to have poor bio-bullets hit accuracy.
However, since recently also hit a high precision bio-bullets, but please by all means check.