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Plastic pepperballs and related products

Plastic pepperballs and related products

pepperball is the main spherical abs plastic projectile for airguns. They are usually made of plastic and have a diameter of about 6 mm. They weigh between .20 and .43 grams. Advanced Plasticpepperball is important for performance in the airsoft field, because the perfect plastic pepperball will have a more consistent and trajectory of the track. In this section, you will find 6mm pepperball and 8mm pepperball. Biodegradable BB is designed to be more environmentally friendly and will decompose faster than the standard pepperball. This section also specifically refers to pepperball "speed" loaders, mainly used to reload the middle and low magazines. Note: These pepperballs can only be used with pepperball guns.

Copyright © 2015 0.4 and 0.68 caliber pepperball, OC, PAVA and CS powder patented ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.