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Influence of improper storage of pepper balls on safety function

There are two main manufacturing processes for plastic shell pepper balls, one is ultrasonic manufacturing process and the other is laser welding manufacturing process. Ultrasonic pepper balls are not resistant to storage and easily deteriorate the pepper powder.

Because the ultrasonic-made pepper balls are not tightly sealed, the welded joints will absorb moisture, so that the PAVA in the pepper balls will absorb moisture and then deteriorate, and such pepper balls will lose their effectiveness. The pepper ball powder that has absorbed the water will form a group, and there is very little pepper powder dispersed into the air after breaking, and it can't protect and protect itself at all.

The two hemispheres are fused together at the seam of the laser-welded pepper ball, and it is difficult to see that they are welded together from the appearance. The remarkable feature of laser-welded pepper balls is that they are not afraid of water. Even if they are placed in water, they will not absorb water. Therefore, laser-welded pepper balls can be stored for a long time and can be stored for more than 5 years. The strength of laser-welded pepper balls is also very high, and it will never burst in the transmitter. Using laser-welded pepper balls can effectively guarantee your safety.

Copyright © 2015 0.4 and 0.68 caliber pepperball, OC, PAVA and CS powder patented ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.