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Lightweight pepperball 0.12-0.20g accuracy and distance

Air Softgun most commonly used pepperball are this category.

Although 0.2 g was taken as a weight pepperball  a long time ago,

In recent years it has been a lightweight bullet.

For less than 0.2 grams, low-power and low-age group air guns are the main applications.

Cost performance is very high, multi-warhead magazine is mainstream

In the current survival game, it is used the most.

According to the material of pepperball , most of the bullets contained air pepperball 

Since the rotation of the center of gravity is crazy, the accuracy of long-range hits is poor.

 means that we cannot hope for higher hit rates because we use this type of bullet.

Moreover, due to its light weight, the energy loss due to air resistance is large,

Another weakness is that it stalls and hardly reaches the distance.

This is also a big drawback. It can easily be blown away by the wind.

It is suitable for short-range applications, it does not feel anxious because of the street shooting, the accuracy of the impact deteriorates, stalling

Copyright © 2015 0.4 and 0.68 caliber pepperball, OC, PAVA and CS powder patented ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.