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Problems and solutions of plastic ball grinding and polishing

When the plastic ball manufacturer manufactures the plastic ball, because the size specification of the plastic ball is too small, the special plastic ball mill used for processing requires higher precision, and the polishing machine should also have good sealing performance. Because the size of the plastic ball is small, how to seal the polishing machine is not good, then the small ball in the machine may leak out along the pores, resulting in bad and waste. The grinding machine for small plastic balls shall use special grinding discs and grinding wheels. The grinding wheels shall use special grinding wheels for grinding plastic balls, and the grinding wheels shall use fine grinding wheels, so as to fully ensure that the processed small plastic balls have sufficient accuracy. In addition, the polishing of small plastic balls shall be polished by special turbine polishing machine, and the abrasives shall be polished by high-grade zircon polishing balls, Only when the machines and materials are selected correctly can we process high gloss and high-precision plastic ball products.

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