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Teflon plastic ball is different from thermoplastic ball china

The machining process of Teflon plastic balls is generally processed by machining. Because Teflon materials can not be produced by injection molding process, Teflon plastic balls can only be processed by bar machining and then grinding.

To process the Teflon plastic ball, first determine the diameter of the Teflon plastic ball to be processed, and then select the appropriate Teflon bar. The diameter of the bar should be greater than the diameter of the Teflon plastic ball to be processed, that is, set aside the corresponding machining allowance. Due to the low machining efficiency, Therefore, the price of Teflon plastic balls processed by machining is high. The machined Teflon plastic balls can only be regarded as semi-finished products. Special plastic ball milling balls are also needed for grinding. The Teflon plastic balls after grinding and polishing are also the finished Teflon plastic balls.

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