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Several factors affecting accuracy of Airsoft BB and solutions

The ABS material used for the Airsoft BB has good toughness and high strength, but the accuracy of the Airsoft BB is easily affected by the external environment, such as temperature and humidity. Every 10 degrees difference in the temperature of the ABS Airsoft BB, the accuracy difference is 0.01mm, so the air gun of ABS material The size of Airsoft BB in winter and summer will be different, and there is the influence of the air humidity in the environment on the size.

The higher the air humidity, the larger the size of the Airsoft BB will be after it absorbs moisture. This variable can sometimes reach more than ±0.05, so the finished product of ABS Airsoft BB should be stored in a vacuum bag, so that it will not affect the air gun due to air humidity. The accuracy of Airsoft BB is gone.

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