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Pepper ball manufacturing technology U.K

The pepper balls manufactured by ultrasonic technology have many quality problems. First of all, the accuracy is not high and the sealing is not good. The pepper balls can easily absorb water and cause unusable or poor results. The best method for manufacturing pepper balls is to use laser welding technology.

The pepper balls manufactured by ultrasonic technology have many quality problems. First of all, the accuracy is not high and the sealing is not good. The pepper balls can easily absorb water and cause unusable or poor results. The best method for manufacturing pepper balls is to use laser welding technology.

The laser-welded pepper balls can be ground and polished to make the pepper balls have a very high precision and a good finish. The accuracy of the pepper balls is 17.3±0.03mm. The use of such pepper balls has a higher precision and a smooth surface. The ball plays a very good protective effect on the pepper ball launcher.

Copyright © 2015 0.4 and 0.68 caliber pepperball, OC, PAVA and CS powder patented ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.