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Pepperball gun and its advantages and disadvantages

A pepper ball gun shoots balls that are effective at short distances and can stop an attacker more quickly than pepper spray. It works just like a paintball gun—you charge it up and fire—and most pepper ball guns will fire one or two shots at a time before they require reloading.

When a pepper ball projectile collides with a surface, it explodes, releasing a cloud of pepper irritant into the air, quickly incapacitating an attacker.

It causes an immediate reaction in the eyes, nose, throat, and chest upon exposure. The pepper balls contain the same irritants found in mace and pepper spray. 


The pepper ball gun has been demonstrated to be effective from distances of up to 150 feet, providing you with additional range and time to make a critical decision. 

The combination of powerful, precise launchers and versatile, chemically effective projectiles enables you to safely carry out your mission even when there is no line of sight.

A pepper ball gun is one of the less-lethal self-defense weapons that law enforcement and military personnel frequently employ.

Pepper ball guns require little training to use.


Like pepper spray, pepper ball pellets release up to a 12-foot cloud of irritant powder that can stay active in the air for as long as 15 minutes. If you deploy a pepper ball, it is important to stay out of range of the irritant.

Also similar to pepper spray, pepper ball guns are less effective when used on people under the influence of narcotics or alcohol.

Full recovery from pepper ball irritants can take several hours.


Pepper balls are projectiles that, upon impact, release a cloud of pepper irritant into the air, thereby incapacitating an assailant in short order. Upon contact, it triggers an instant immune response in the respiratory system, the eyes, the throat, and the nasal passages. Similar to mace and pepper spray, the ingredients in pepper balls are intended to cause discomfort.

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