There are several effective options for pepper ball guns on the market, and we’re sharing our top five recommendations below. These devices are rated highly for their accuracy, transportability, and reloading capabilities.
The TCP All-Weather Ready to Defend Kit comes with a spare magazine and practice projectiles, so users can get comfortable with the process of firing the device. It uses both CO2 and N2 cartridges and can fire effectively from distances up to 150 feet.
The Byrna Launcher, while only effective up to 60 feet away, allows users to choose from a variety of projectile types, including standard pepper projectiles, eco-friendly pepper balls, solid plastic projectiles, and the Byrna Max — the company’s proprietary blend of tear gas and pepper.
The makers of the PepperBall Mobile Pepper Spray Launcher Flashlight take into account the reality that an attack may occur in the dark. The built-in LED flashlight enables users to be more accurate when firing and the projectiles can reach a target up to 40 feet away.