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The unit of spiciness used in pepper balls is the Gaubil unit.

Gaubil's unit is a standard to measure the spiciness, which was invented by pharmacist Wilbur Scoville in 1912. It is used to measure the capsaicin content of pepper balls, that is, how many times the pepper is diluted with water to make the tip of the tongue feel less spicy. The higher the Gaubil unit, the stronger the spicy taste. The more water is needed to dilute the pepper in the pepper ball, the more spicy it is.However, there is no standardized scientific definition of "Shi Gaubil unit", which is just a method to compare the hotness and pepper varieties, and it cannot fully represent the hotness and taste of pepper. Therefore, in the food industry, other more scientific methods are usually used to measure spicy degree and taste, such as HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography).

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