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Pepperball need special permission to be used in Britain

Pepper balls are regulated in Britain because they are classified as one of the "pepper sprays" or "pepper sprays" used by the police and security forces. In Britain, only certain organizations or authorized personnel can buy, use or hold pepper balls, and it is illegal for individuals to hold and use pepper balls.In Britain, pepper balls are mainly used by police and security forces for self-defense or to control riots, protests, violence and crimes. When using pepper balls, the British police and security forces must follow strict guidelines and operating procedures to ensure their safe, effective and legal use.It should be noted that even if pepper ball is a non-lethal weapon, it must be used with caution. If used improperly or excessively, pepper balls may cause serious health hazards and injuries to humans and animals. Therefore, when using pepper balls or other weapons in Britain or other countries, we must always consider the protection of human rights, public safety and legal order.

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