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Pepper balls need special permission to be used in France.

In France, pepper balls are classified as "anti-wolf spray" or "pepper spray" and are strictly controlled. According to French law, it is illegal to buy, use or possess pepper balls, unless you are an authorized organization or personnel, such as police, security forces, etc.In France, pepper balls are mainly used to deal with violent crimes and protests. In some specific cases, pepper balls are allowed to be used to subdue criminals or control riots. However, the use of pepper balls requires strict training and procedures to ensure their safe, effective and legal use.If someone is found to have or use pepper balls illegally, the French police can take action and institute criminal proceedings. This is because pepper ball is regarded as a potentially dangerous weapon. If it is used improperly or excessively, it may cause serious health hazards and injuries to humans and animals.In short, in France, pepper balls are strictly controlled weapons, which are only used by authorized institutions or personnel under certain circumstances. It is illegal for individuals to possess and use pepper balls, which may lead to criminal proceedings and legal consequences.

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