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Non-lethal pepperball gun for protection

Legal and non-lethal protective equipment (pepper ball gun) is very popular among Kupuna. Live Safe Hawaii sells pepper ball guns (byr nas Bernas). According to Ruan Fam, general manager of the marketing department of Bahners Company, Bahners has no killing ability and its use method is simple. And you don't need permission. Briner was not fired with a gun, but with carbon dioxide It's a transmitter. Farm said that although there is no need to give formal guidance to ordinary citizens, it is better to get used to it. Farm said that pepper balls can stimulate the central nervous system, making exposed skin hot and runny nose for 30 to 40 minutes. In addition, it is said that if you hit with a pepper ball pistol, you will be severely bruised and your lungs will be crushed. In live safe Hawaii, about 10 pepper ball guns are sold every day. Mr steve morgan from Honolulu has come to buy it for his wife. Living in the city and going out for a walk at night, he said, "Although it is not necessary to use it, it is a good thing to bring protective equipment without killing ability." He said: "In this way, the attack can be stopped and stopped before calling for help." What is the price of brine launch sold in live safe Hawaii?

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