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Injection molding technology of pepper ball shell

Pepper balls are generally small in diameter, with two kinds of diameters of 4mm and 4.763 mm. Generally, there are many molds for such small pepper balls, and there are at least 300 pieces. If the nozzle is cut manually, the efficiency is too low, which will seriously affect the productivity.

The most commonly used method for separating the nozzle of pepper ball with small size is mechanical separation. The structure of the mechanical separation machine is similar to that of the drum mixer, except that the blades on the shaft are replaced by cylinders, and the number is more than that of the blades. There is a door that can be opened below, which is beneficial to pour out the separated pepper ball and nozzle. Using this special separator for pepper ball nozzle to separate the nozzle is very efficient. More than 1 ton of pepper balls can be processed in one day, and there is no appearance problem before the surface of pepper ball is scratched.

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