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Precision processing technology of TPU plastic pepper ball

TPU material has good wear resistance and toughness, and the application range of TPU plastic pepper balls is not very wide. The main reason is that the manufacturing technology is more difficult, especially the processing of precision TPU plastic pepper balls is more difficult. The main reason is that the grinding technology of ordinary plastic pepper balls is too inefficient and costly to process TPU plastic pepper balls, and customers do not accept high-priced TPU plastic pepper balls.

The processing time of TPU plastic pepper balls is more than 5 times that of ordinary plastic pepper balls, so the TPU plastic pepper balls need a rough grinding process before grinding with the special ball grinder. The rough grinding process is to use an alloy millstone for processing, and then the rough TPU plastic pepper balls are finely ground with a plastic pepper ball mill, so the processing efficiency of TPU plastic pepper balls will be improved a lot.

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