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Strengthening technology of plastic fracturing pepper ball

The plastic pepper ball for fracturing needs to bear the pressure as high as 80kPa and the temperature as high as 120 degrees. Under this pressure, the plastic pepper ball for fracturing will deform, which has a great influence on the fracturing sealing effect of oil wells. Therefore, it is difficult for the plastic pepper ball for fracturing to meet the sealing needs of oil wells without strengthening and modification.

The modification of plastic pepper ball for fracturing is mainly to add a certain proportion of glass fiber into the material of plastic pepper ball. By adding glass fiber, the strength and temperature resistance of plastic pepper ball can be significantly improved. If 30% glass fiber is added into plastic pepper ball, the strength can be improved by more than 80% and the temperature resistance can be improved by more than 20%. The modified plastic pepper ball can basically meet the needs of oil well fracturing sealing.

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