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Causes of deformation of POM plastic hollow pepper ball mill

POM plastic pepper ball has the characteristics of high hardness, good surface finish and high precision. POM plastic hollow pepper ball has the characteristics of self-lubrication and excellent oil resistance. However, POM plastic hollow pepper ball often appears deformation and fragmentation during grinding, which is mainly caused by the pressure of the ball grinder not being set properly.

POM plastic hollow pepper balls have a hollow structure, and the wall thickness is only about 1mm, so the strength is not high. If the pressure is adjusted to be the same as that of solid plastic pepper balls when grinding the balls with a plastic pepper ball mill, POM plastic hollow pepper balls will be deformed and broken due to the low strength. This process is not good, and the defective rate of POM plastic hollow pepper balls can only be reduced by adjusting the pressure of the ball mill. If the pressure of the ball mill is adjusted by hydraulic pressure, the quality is more likely to be good because of the high pressure of hydraulic pressure. If the ball mill is pressurized by manual pressure, the main yield of POM plastic hollow pepper balls can be controlled very low.

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