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Machining technology of PTFE plastic pepper ball lathe

The bar of PTFE plastic pepper ball is made by lathe processing, but the surface smoothness of the plastic pepper ball processed by lathe is not enough, and the precision is not high, because PTFE plastic pepper ball needs high precision to meet the requirements of customers, so PTFE plastic pepper ball processed by lathe can only be regarded as semi-finished plastic blank ball, and further finishing is needed to have higher precision.

The rough ball of PTFE plastic pepper ball needs to be machined with special plastic grinding ball before it can have higher precision. The grinding wheel used for machining PTFE plastic pepper ball is different from other plastic pepper balls. Because PTFE plastic pepper ball has high wear resistance and smooth surface, the efficiency of grinding PTFE plastic pepper ball with ordinary grinding wheel is very low, so it is necessary to use high-hardness grinding wheel to grind PTFE plastic pepper ball. The polishing technology of PTFE plastic pepper ball is the same as that of ordinary plastic pepper ball, and it is all polished with vortex polishing machine.

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