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Once shot a pepper ball at Tang Yingjie-taiwan

The first national security law case was continued in the High Court yesterday. According to the complaint plan, the defendant Tang Yingjie (round figure) involved in driving a motorbike to cross the police line three times and finally hit the fourth line, seriously injuring three policemen. Several police officers made a statement that Tang Yingjie, the defendant, would warn without reason and drove past the police officers at high speed for many times before avoiding them at the last moment. One of the policemen fired two pepper bombs at Tang Yingjie, but they missed.

The first prosecution witness, Constable Tan Yun'er, made a statement the next day. She said that on July 1 last year, she had set up a defense line at the junction of Hennessy Road and Luard Road in Wanchai. She saw a motorbike passing at a slow speed. The police officer raised his hand and shouted "Stop low". The defendant ignored it and drove by about three police officers. Tan also pointed out that the distance between the motorbike and her colleague was less than 1 meter when she passed by, and stressed that the motorbike was very fast, and she could not even see the license plate of the motorbike clearly. When questioning Tan Yun'er, the defense questioned that if the defendant intended to hit the police line, he could directly turn to the middle line and fast line where the police officers are located, rather than driving through the slow line. Tan Yun'er responded that he did not know the defendant's mentality, but admitted that he could turn to the middle line and drive past. The defense believed that the defendant intended to avoid the police.

Huang Hanwei, a senior inspector in the same line of defense, said that the defendant drove his motorbike through the line of defense for about 4 or 5 seconds. It was estimated that the speed of the motorbike exceeded 50 kilometers per hour, which was considered to be overspeed. He believed that his behavior posed a danger to the police officers and the citizens at the scene. While the witness, Sheriff Zhu Gang and Police Constable Wang Shenhua, during their testimony, both pointed out that the defendant did not stop or slow down but accelerated when he saw the presence of the police officers, but both agreed that the defendant avoided the police officers at the last moment.

Fired pepper balls but missed

Police officer Lu Jinli also pointed out that the defendant did not listen to the instructions to stop, but instead accelerated to the police officer, so he fired two pepper balls at the defendant, but missed him. Lu said that when he shot the pepper ball, he did not aim at the defendant's head, but at his body. He only hoped that he would stop, and did not think it would cause danger.

Tang Yingjie, a 24-year-old defendant, was suspected of driving a motorbike with the flag of "Recovering the Hong Kong Revolution of the Times" into the police line on July 1 last year, and was charged with inciting others to split the country, terrorist activities, and alternate charges of dangerous driving causing serious bodily harm to others. The case was resumed today.

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