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Influence of ball speed of plastic pepper ball mill on accuracy

The precision processing of Teflon plastic pepper balls is completed by using a special plastic pepper ball milling machine. However, because the surface of Teflon plastic pepper balls is smoother than that of other materials, the speed and pressure of the ball milling machine will affect the precision and quality of Teflon plastic pepper balls during the processing.

Special grinding fluid must be used when processing Teflon plastic pepper balls. Because Teflon plastic has a smooth surface, if special cutting fluid is not used to cool and clean the grinding disc, the powder produced in the grinding process will adhere to the grinding wheel, which will make the surface of the grinding wheel smooth and lose its grinding function. At the same time, if the speed of the ball grinder is too high, the grinding wheel of the ball grinder will overheat and Teflon will easily stick to the grinding wheel. Therefore, the grinding speed must be controlled when grinding Teflon plastic pepper balls with the ball grinder.

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