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Method for recover hollow plastic pepper ball by recess

After the hollow plastic pepper ball is recessed, the first thing is to check whether there is any air leakage. If there is any air leakage, such a hollow plastic pepper ball cannot be restored. How can it be restored without damage such as small holes? There are two methods for the whole body:

The plastic hollow pepper ball is heated by a blower. When the temperature of the plastic hollow pepper ball rises, the gas inside the plastic hollow pepper ball will expand due to the temperature rise, and the plastic hollow pepper ball can be restored to its original state.

The second method is to pour the plastic hollow pepper ball with hot water, and heat the plastic hollow pepper ball by pouring hot water. The gas bladder inside the plastic hollow pepper ball will also bulge the concave part of the plastic hollow pepper ball, so that the plastic hollow pepper ball can be restored to its original state.

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