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Hosted the live broadcast riot and was shot by the police-HK

The death of George Freud, a black man, was like a domino pulled down, triggering a series of riots in the United States. Recently, on the streets of the United States, a beautiful host was broadcasting the riot live, but was hit by the police with pepper ball, which made her look pale and scared, causing a heated discussion among netizens.

On the night of the incident, Kaitlin Rust, a female reporter of the local TV station WAVE-TV, was reporting the riots in downtown Louisville. Suddenly, she was hit by a pepper ball by the police. She was so scared that she lost her face and cried out "I'm dead, I'm shot!"

After a while, she found that it was just pepper balls, and Rust said that her camera crew was more miserable, and her cameraman was hit more pepper balls by the police officer.

And the news anchor in the studio hurriedly asked Rust if there was anything wrong. She was shocked and said, "Rubber bullets, rubber bullets."

When the news anchor asked Rooster who the police were targeting, Rooster replied: "We! The bullets are directly at us!"

Subsequently, the camera focused on the personnel equipped with the FTC semi-automatic pepper ball launcher.

The news announcer was also shocked by the incident.

He said, "Maybe it was intentional. Obviously, the police saw the camera!"

Later, Rooster and her staff retreated to another place to continue reporting. It is reported that this is the second consecutive night that the Louisville police stopped large-scale unrest in the street.

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