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Pepper ball gun shot eyes and killed people in the United States

[Our News] After the riots in Mongkok in 2016, the police introduced a new equipment "pepper ball gun". The tear gas launcher on the gun is powered by compressed gas, with an effective range of about 30 to 50 meters, and can hold about 160 pepper balls. Pepper ball contains specially made pepper, which will explode and diffuse pepper spray when hit on the human body. The gas can penetrate the clothing, making the shot victim feel hot on the skin and respiratory tract, and will be stimulated to tears, leaving bruises and red marks on his body, which is convenient for the police to lock the target person and then arrest him.

Pepper ball gun is regarded as a non-lethal weapon, but according to the instructions for use, it should avoid shooting at the face, throat and other parts. In 2004, a female student in Boston, USA, was hit in the eye by a pepper ball, resulting in massive bleeding and death.

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